Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's going on around here

Just sitting around waiting for Josh to get home from work and trying to decide if I want to go take a nap, even though it's already 20 minutes to 7. I know I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep tonight if I did, but I feel so tired right now. And Big Brother comes on at 9 tonight, so can't fall asleep before that comes on... Oh what to do, what to do????

I decided to write a little post. Not to much to say. We started our two day training on community building today, so I was there from 8:30 to 3 today. Then I went and grabbed some things I needed from Michael's craft store and stopped by Skyline to visit Shannon and have a "snack"... Even thought I ate what I always eat when I go there, it was still just a snack!!!! Tomorrow I have training from the same time again, and then we are going to meet with a pediatrician at 7:30. Thursday is Specialist Doc appt, so I'm looking forward to that, even though it's at 8 in the morning... And I thought having to be at my training at 8:30 was bad... The good thing is that I will be able to come home and take a nap after the doctor's appointment!! LOL

I found out last night while chatting with a co-worker on Facebook that we have another training to go to next Thursday and Friday from 8:30-3:30 both days... Not that I was excited about it, but not a big deal. Then this morning it hit me I have a doc appt next Friday at 10:30... But I just look on our Professional Development website and they have another of the same training on Monday and Tuesday next week, so I just switched what days I am going. I like the fact that I am going Monday and Tuesday and getting it over with, I just won't know anyone there while I'm there. They are all going to the Thursday and Friday session... Why would you choose a Thursday and Friday???? Anyway, I think it works out best for me!

The girls are still moving around like crazy... I can not wait to see how big they've gotten. I feel like it's been 3 months since the last ultrasound, but it's only been a month! I'm still feeling good... and this month is flying by so far. But with all these trainings and the stuff I have to do for school, as well as around the house before they get here, I don't think it's going to slow down any. Which I believe is a good thing for me... I have heard the last month can be SOOOO long and miserable. Hopefully it will just keep going quickly!!!

Well that's about it. I will post again sometime after my appointment... Take care and hope everyone is having and keeps having a good week!!!!