So it is my baby brother's 26th birthday today!!!! Pretty crazy when the youngest of us is half way through their 20's. We are so freaking old, yet still all young at heart!
My brother is the greatest brother in the world. In celebration of his birthday, I am going to post a portion of a blog I wrote on MySpace before I became a true blogger. I may have to post the whole blog at some point, but for today it's just the part I wrote on Wes because it's his day!!!!!!
To Wesley: my baby brother, and a hell of a man,
After a girl is grown, her little brothers - now her protectors - seem like big brothers. ~Astrid Alauda
Oh, where do I begin with you? I know we are only 4 years apart in age, but I remember when you were so little. The baby of our family. All of us girls taking care of you, and making sure you had everything you needed. And then after that, the brother that we got in trouble, bothering you and then saying you did it, and you always taking the blame!!! Because of course you're the boy, and boys don't hit girls!! Gosh we were mean! Maybe we still are a little bit...
And then one day, you weren't so little anymore. You didn't need to be the one taken care of, and made sure you were alright. You were taking care of me. Making sure that I was alright, that I was happy and that I had everything I needed. I'm not sure when it happened, but it still is that way today. As I mentioned before, you are one hell of a man. You know what you want and you go for it, not letting anything or anyone stand in your way. I admire you for that quality, and wish that I had just a 10th of that quality in me.This picture was taken on Christmas day last year. It cracks me up cause we both look like we may be a little inebriated on something!!!
Thank you for always being there for me when I call. Whether it is to play volleyball with us, fix a flat tire, or just to talk to. Thank you. I just can't say it enough. I am so proud of you Wes. And I am so lucky to have a brother as awesome as you are. I only hope that I am as good of a sister to you as you are a brother to me.
I love you Wes, and you are the best brother a girl could have, and so I leave you with this...
There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother. -- Astrid Alauda
Wes and my Dad!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Wesley! Hope you have a great day!!!

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