As I mentioned in my last post, we headed to Lexington to celebrate Kate's birthday! Josh even got off early enough for us to pick him up from work on the way!!!! The drive was pretty good, until we entered Lexington and it started pouring rain. I mean raining so hard that we couldn't see in front of us. Of course at 5:30 the traffic was kind of heavy too. It was a bit stressful for a couple minutes, but when we got off at our exit, the rain let up and traffic seemed to a bit as well! The girls did great. That was their first road trip! They just slept the whole way up there. My girls do great in the car, it puts them to sleep pretty quickly, so it is nice to know that they are comfortable when we are out driving around and things!
We went to a Mellow Mushroom, a pizza place for dinner. It was pretty good pizza, but I like just about any pizza I eat so I'm not sure I'm the one to ask!! Josh said it was great too! After we got done eating we went back to Kate's and hung out for a while.
Arleta and Kealie
Kate and Jozie
My buddy Chloe!!!
We hung out until about 11, and then had to head home because, well it was Monday night and everyone but myself had to work the next morning. So we packed the girls back up and headed back to Louisville. As soon as we hit the expressway Josh was asleep. I can't blame him, he had worked all day... BUT I have driven that drive many many many times, and on Monday night it was the worst I have ever had. Not only did it seem like it took forever to get home, I was so tired. I didn't know if I were going to make it home or not. I don't know if it was because Josh was in the car and I was listening to him snore that was making me sleepy, or if it's the fact that my baby girls wear me out, and I am going to soon be one of those people that have to go to bed at 10 in order to make it through the day. Anyway we made it home fine, Josh woke up to help me feed the girls before they went down for the night, and then we both hit the sack. We really did have a great night, but it would just be so much easier if they moved here!!!! I did suggest it to Kate again because she has more reason to move here. Her sister lives here, I live here, and our friend Andy lives here. Plus as a teacher, she would get paid more in Louisville, I'm going to keep fighting for it to happen. Arleta would be a bit harder, her family is in Lexington, so me and Andy just isn't enough reason for her to come. Plus she works for her family's company, so she would have to find a whole new job. BUT maybe if I can persuade Kate, then we could all work together to get Arleta here!! Here's a few fun pictures of us from Kate's Birthday last year, just cause I love my girlfriends!!!

On to Tuesday...
Since I picked Josh up from work on Monday and we headed to Lexington and he was sleeping on our way home, me and the girls had to get up and take Josh to work on Tuesday morning. Not a big deal, I really need to be getting up and staying up anyway so I can get used to getting up and lasting throughout the day. Anyway, Josh and I fed them around 5 when they woke up, and Josh and I actually had a breakfast together. Sure it was just cereal, but it was nice to sit that early in the morning and talk with him. We also realized that our cat Rudy was doing really bad that morning. She had been losing weight for a couple of weeks, and was starting to have trouble walking. That morning she was just lying on the floor in the laundry room, struggling just to move her head when we walked in. When we got home from taking Josh to work the girls were still sleeping, so I let them go until they woke up. I got Rudy up on the desk in the laundry room so that she was a little more comfortable.
Then it started and here it goes
- Jozie woke up screaming as if she hadn't eaten for 6 hours (it had only been 3, the amount she always goes). I started feeding her and about 3 minutes later Kealie begins screaming as loud, if not louder as Jozie had been. At this point, I continue feeding Jozie and get Kealies bottle ready and start warming it up so that it is ready to go when Jozie is done.
- After Jozie is done, I go to change her diaper. I get the diaper off and she begins peeing, as well as kicking her legs all over the place so that she not only pees all over herself but everything on the changing table and myself!! When she stops peeing she immediately starts pooping. It was just lovely. When I got her all cleaned up and changed and myself cleaned up I set her in the crib and went and fed Kealie.
- Kealie ate, and burped very quickly. And then came the spit up, all over herself! So it was on to changing her clothes and her diaper, that was completely filled with poop!!! Then I laid her down in the crib next to Jozie
-As I was winding the mobile Kealie once again spit up, all over her outfit that I had just changed her into. So we changed into her third outfit of the day and laid her back down.
- I came in the living room and was checking my facebook, and I heard Jozie cough. I went in to check on them and Jozie had spit up all over herself AND Kealie. So it was now Jozie's 3rd outfit for the day and Kealie's 4th. I decided that these girls were out to get momma today, so I dressed them in the same onsie... Here it is:
The rest of the morning and early afternoon was uneventful. The girls slept, played on the floor and did their tummy time. Oh and I finally got a decent picture of me and each of the girls:
I went to get my hair done that night. It needed it so bad, I have so much grey, and apparently much more than I thought after Julie (hair dresser) was combing it. I just went back as natural as possible. And it looks so great. I feel better now to that it looks so good.
When I got home we made dinner and I was in bed at 10:30. The day had drained me. But I woke up at 6:30 ready to Wednesday morning and got so much done around the house. Today has just been a lazy day for all of us. Tomorrow is the 2-month check up and I am getting a little nervous about the shots that have to get. I'm hoping it won't affect them to bad, cause we are going to a cabin in some park with Josh's parents and sister on Saturday and Sunday. I don't want them to be feeling all crappy and horrible the whole time. We will have to wait and see I suppose.
I wanted to leave this til the end cause Rudy was very special to me. She passed away Tuesday around 4pm.
I was very sad but know that she is no longer in pain or suffering anymore. It was a very weird thing. A couple of months ago she began chewing on her legs to where she had chewed all the hair off of both back legs. With vets being so expensive I looked online to see what could be causing it. The information I got online said that it was more than likely an allergy or stress causing her to do this. She eventually chewed the hair off of her stomach as well. But she never seemed to be in pain or sick. She was her normal social self up until a couple weeks ago. She all of a sudden began losing weight. She was eating because when I fed them she would be right there with her sister (Nelly). As the end came, she was have trouble walking. It all happened so fast, and we knew that if we took her to the vet, they would either say there was nothing they could do or the treatment she would need would be to expensive for us.
Throughout the day I checked on Rudy and she was still just lying on the desk. She wasn't trying to get up anymore, and she would only move her eyes to try and look at me. I went and checked on her around 3:50 and she was still breathing. I stood with her and pet her for a couple minutes. Then came back in with the girls. Kealie got hungry and when I went to fix her bottle, I checked on Rudy and she was gone
I miss my girl Rudy. My mom gave her and Nelly to me on Valentine's 2003. I had just moved to my first apartment and so mom gave me the cute little kittens. From the beginning Rudy loved being held and petted. She did some crazy things in her life, like get in the refrigerator and stay there all night long as I didn't realize she had snuck in there. She loved pestering Zander (the dog). Acting as if she hated him, yet when Josh and I would walk into the room you would find those two all cuddled up together. She was an awesome cat. She loved people, which you don't find to often. She loved people so much that when anyone entered the house, she would be right there next to them putting her paw up to them trying to get their attention. She was a great cat and will always be remembered.
Love the first pic. I think I told you that already.
Hanging out with Kate and Arleta is always a good time. I'm sure not as "good" a time as without a couple of babies, but fun nonetheless!
And, I am really sorry about Rudy. She was a good girl. I'm sorry she had such a rough last few days, but you did your best to care for her and make her happy. She was with you and Nelly and that's what made her happiest!
I don't know how you do it. I am scared to death about this new baby coming and I only have 1! I loved your story about all the poop, pee, and spit up though. Cracks me up that they behaved when you changed them into Daddy outfits. Typical girls! Hope you are still doing well
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