Still waiting for Josh to get home from work!!!
So I thought I would just give a weekly wrap up here! It's been a long one. I guess that is to be expected thought when it's so close to the end of the year, yet still out of reach! Plus I don't feel like I ever stopped this week. Tuesday was a regular day. When Josh finally got home from work at like 7:30, we went to pick up our crib and dresser from Babies R Us. Only to realize the crib was too big to fit in the back of the jeep. But it was ok.
On Wednesday at work the day just dragged on. The two students that cause hell in the classroom are back at it again, and they had been doing so well. It's just not the way I want to end the year with the class. Especially if I do get to go to Resource, I want to have fun and enjoy it and laugh and be silly! Anyway, so just not a good day at work, then I went to meet dad at my uncles to pick up the bed and dad had to work over. I totally understood, but it I guess, in my hormonal state was the "icing on the cake." Somehow this led to me breaking down and Josh and I arguing and pure just chaos broke out. It really was ridiculous and after a couple hours things were better. THANKS WES!!!!!! And THANKS CHRIS for getting the cribs to us. And THANKS DAD for helping us out even if it didn't work out. And THANKS MOM for calling and making sure I was ok. We really do appreciate everybody that helped us out. I now have a quite clear understanding of Hormonal Women during pregnancy, and hope we don't have to deal with it again!!! But knowing me and my emotional side, there may be another glimpse of it or two or three or 10!!!!!!
Thursday was a long day at work. We were supposed to have a committee meeting at 8 so I got to work about 7:30 to get up my new bulletin board. Only to find out the meeting was cancelled. Oh well, got my bulletin board and more done. We had kindergarten graduation which my class was asked to pass out popcorn and cotton candy during since it was a Circus Theme graduation. It was very fun!!! Then we had a "New Student" orientation as we are becoming the Mill Creek Leadership Academy (magnet program) next year. It was fun, but I didn't get home until about 8. And imagine this, Josh was not home, nor did he get home from work until after 9. So we ordered pizza and I finished the last little bit of paper work that I had to get done.
Friday went to work early and was given a baby shower full of presents and homemade breakfast!!!!!!! It was delicious food and I am just pretty much overwhelmed with the kindness and love of my coworkers. I will post pictures of all the awesome gifts later on cause Josh is going to "open" them when he gets home!!! We had field day today. Not a bad day either. Just the one kid who decided to be disrespectful once again, and even after going to ICE (in-school detention) twice still was just doing things to drive me crazy. So I called the counselor and told her I couldn't and wouldn't deal with it the rest of the day. Only to see him 20 minutes later sitting next to her with a bag of popcorn. Great punishment for his behavior right? That's going to teach him. So I went ahead and told her after school today that I wasn't dealing with it for the last three days of school and she just said ok. I'm pretty much serious though, it's not fair to the other kids.
Oh here is a pic I do have to share right now. The theme of field day was "Super Heros." So my students made t-shirts in art class, and then we made masks to go along with them. All I used was these foam rectangles. They worked so well! And I can post this picture since their faces are hidden!!!
How cute are they???? It really was a fun day (besides the attitude).
Then as I mentioned in my other post tonight we all met in the gym and celebrated a 5th graders graduation. She is receiving a new kidney probably as we speak. Please say a quick prayer for her.
Then the day was over. I got to turn in all the end of the year stuff and my work is done!!!!!! Well besides the clearing off of my desk and the kids desks. Which lets face it would be useless for me to do with 3 days left to teach as if I had done that today it would have to be done again on Wednesday anyway!!!
Now am at home and waiting for Josh. Just text him and he text back saying he would be home soon. I really just want to go out and get the stuff out of the car and look at it all again myself!!!! But I am being patient and going to wait for him I guess!!!!
Not really any big plans for the weekend. Maybe Josh doing some painting and possibly putting cribs together. We'll see how that goes. All I do know is that I WILL NOT be doing any WORK!!!!!!! School work that is!!! It's all done for at least a couple of months, and that is an awesome feeling!!!
So I am going to enjoy my weekend!! And I hope you all do the same!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Why are short weeks always "longer" than regular weeks?
Posted by Michelle at 3:42 PM 2 comments
Survey Time!!!!
O.k., so I am obsessed with these little survey things but they are fun, and pass the time while you are waiting for your husband to get home and see all the awesome stuff you got from your baby shower at work!!!!
I actually recently did this one on facebook, but my sis posted it on her blog, so I figured I would to!!!!
Here it goes:
1. First thing you wash in the shower? Hair
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? It's a dark grey with gold (It's Steelers)
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Over and over and over and over again!!!
4. Do you plan outfits? I try to, but then the stuff I planned out is usually dirty so I end up wearing something else!
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Just HAPPY, happy it's Friday, Happy I work with Awesome people, Happy there are only 3 days of work with students left, Happy I'm having 2 baby girls and they are healthy, like I said, just happy!!!
6. What's the closest thing to you that's red? Josh's hat
7. What was the last dream you remember having? The last one I remember is the twins being in their crib at a couple days old, climbing out of the cribs already. (That was a while back, haven't had any good ones lately)
8. Did you meet anybody new today? Not today, not yet anyway
9. What are you craving right now? Now that you ask, Fazoli's Baked Spaghetti sounds really good
10. Do you floss? not as much as i should :(
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? cole slaw: Work at Long John Silvers for a while and have to make it and mix in the mayonnaise and this is what you will think of as well, and it's been like 12 years since I worked there
12. Are you emotional? Do you know me? Of course I am!!!
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? yeah, when I was younger I used to just because it was something to do! I've moved on to these surveys, so no more counting to 1000 for me!
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? lick it, but not really, cause I eat ice cream in a bowl with a spoon, and don't really lick the spoon...
15. Do you like your hair? Sometimes, It's curly and pretty, but it's also grey and frizzy...
16. Do you like yourself? More and more each day
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? I would like to eat with any president, it would be neat to say you met with him, although he wouldn't be my first choice of presidents to eat with.
18. What are you listening to right now? The air conditioner and me typing this and the cats running around being crazy
19. Are your parents strict? Not now, and really weren't TOO strict growing up, but they set the limits and stuck with them
20. Would you go sky diving? Absolutely, but only with an expert attached to me
21. Do you like cottage cheese? NO!!!!
22. Have you ever met a celebrity? I always have difficulty answering this question, because I want to say no, but something inside me says I have, but I'm thinking that it is probably just the "local" celebrities like UofL basketball players that I have met
23. Do you rent movies often? On-Demand
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room in which you are? my rings, watch, caffeine free Pepsi can, and the 1970's stapler here on the desk (yeah it's still a little sparkly)
25. What countries have you visited? none just states in the USA and that would only be 12 (13 if you count the state I live in) out of 50
26. Have you made a prank phone call? One of my favorite ways to pass time as a child, too bad kids these days can't enjoy it thanks to caller id!!!
27. Ever been on a train? I would say no, but my dad did this quiz on facebook and said that he went on a field trip with me on a train, so I'm going to say yes now
28. Brown or white eggs? white, never had a brown egg... at least that I know of
29. Do you have a cell-phone? Samsung galaxy
31. Do you use chapstick? when my lips are chapped
32. Do you own a gun? No but Joshua does
33. Can you use chopsticks? nope, no reason to, I HATE CHINESE FOOD
34. Who are you going to be with tonight? Joshua, as soon as he gets home from work
35. Are you too forgiving? Probably, but then again, maybe not
36. Ever been in love? Yes and will be for the rest of my life!
37. What is your best friend doing tomorrow? She'll be in Cali,(Lucky B!@#$), Not sure what she is doing tomorrow but running a marathon on Sunday GO JEN AND GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
38. Ever have cream puffs? nope, not even sure what they are
39. Last time you cried? Today at school, one of our 5th graders who had Kidney Failure and has been on dialysis this school year is having a kidney transplant tonight!!!!! So we did a graduation for her since she won't be there Wednesday for the real one and it was very emotional and sweet and just keep her in your thoughts and prayers please!!!
40. What was the last question you asked? What time will you be home tonight?
41. Favorite time of the year? Summer: NO WORK, MY ANNIVERSARY, MY BIRTHDAY and MY BABIES BIRTHDAYS!!!!
42. Do you have any tattoos? one on the small of my back... A tramp stamp, but I promise they weren't called this when I got it, at least I had never heard it called that before. Plus it's the sun, and how trampy is the sun... Really?
43. Are you sarcastic? I try to be, usually just gets taken as bitchiness
44. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? I watched about 30 to 45 minutes of it the other day from the middle and it was just weird. I couldn't figure it out, I need to watch it from the beginning and see if it is any better
45. Ever walked into a wall? Absolutely
46. Favorite color? Purple
47. Have you ever slapped someone? Not to be mean, except maybe Josh
48. Is your hair curly? Very
49. What was the last CD you bought? Either Danity Kane's cd, or Britney Spears cd, the Britney was for Jen for Christmas, but I wouldn't mind having it either
50. Do looks matter? A little
51. Could you ever forgive a cheater? I have no idea, probably not for a really really long time, and I don't think I could go on in a relationship with them, but hopefully won't ever have to deal with that
52. Is your phone bill sky high? No, not since Josh finally added texting to the account
53. Do you like your life right now? More than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
54. Do you sleep with the TV on? I fall asleep with the tv on and the sleep set
55. Can you handle the truth? I'm guessing I can
56. Do you have good vision? Not without my glasses
57. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Sadly, yes, there are just some people that it is so hard for me to like, and even more sad is that there really isn't a reason
58. How often do you talk on the phone? not a lot, I'll stick to texting!!
59. The last person you held hands with? One of my students who decided to start acting like a dog during field day today and the only way to get him up and walking was to take his hand (I LOVE MY JOB!!!!)
60. What are you wearing? Khakis and a t-shirt that says I got the 2 for 1 special!!!
61. What is your favorite animal? Monkeys, or dogs
62. Where was your profile picture taken? On blogger its at St. Francis School on my wedding day, on Facebook it's at my aunts house during my cousin's graduation party
63. Can you hula hoop? Not at the moment, but it might be funny to try!
64. Do you have a job? yeah, for exactly 7 more days (only 5 working days) THEN I'M ON VACATION!!!!! (yes, I will still have a job but I won't be at it for a couple months!!!!!)
65. What was the most recent thing you bought? Popcorn, cotton candy, and lemonade for my kiddos during field day!
66. Have you ever crawled through a window? maybe a car window (I'm stealing Jen's cause it's a good answer, and who hasn't ever crawled through a car window?)
Don't have anything to blog about today? Then...TAG! You're it!
Posted by Michelle at 2:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hope everyone has a
Myspace Layouts
I hope everyone is enjoying their LONG weekend!!!!
I have been very busy all weekend, but have gotten lots accomplished. So it's been a good one.
Saturday Jen came over and helped me, or I guess I helped her as best I could, finish cleaning the babies room and emptying it out! So the room is now all ready for Josh to paint! We got all the stuff that was being stored in that room into bins and other locations in the house. Now Josh just has to get the bins to the shed and where ever else they will fit!!! :)
It looks great in there, and I can only imagine once Josh finds a time to get it painted, I'm so excited, It's finally coming along!!!! And all because I have the MOST AWESOME WONDERFUL SISTER AND BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!! She is the best, who else has a sister that would come over on her Saturday morning and clean their house for them?!?!?!?!?! Thanks Jen for everything, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and that it means to me!!!!
After Jen left, I went with my friend Shannon to the Derby City Roller Girls match! I had never been to one before, and it was quite fun. It was interesting, but lots of fun. If you have a Roller Team in your city you should really check them out. Those girls are tough!!! Maybe I'll try out for it once I have these babies and get into shape. Oh wait a second, you have to be able to Roller skate... Hey maybe that will be my new exercise program!!!
When I got home I was pretty much exhausted so didn't do much. Josh had just gotten home from work, so we watched a little t.v. then I went to bed.
Yesterday, Sunday, I worked all day. I got all of my data sheets caught up for my student's IEP's (special ed. paper work, it's loads of fun!!!) And I got my gradebook all done except for behavior grades, which just takes me getting their agendas Monday and plugging in their daily grades! And then all I will have left to do is transfer grades onto report cards and I will be done with paper work for the year!!!! And it's not due until FRIDAY!!! GO ME!!!!!!!!!!
Josh was technically off yesterday from work, but ended up having to go and hook up compusafes for like 8 stores so he was gone from about 1 to 8:30. So he didn't get any painting done :(, but when he got home we went to Walmart and got the paint for the room. He said he is getting it done today, or at least started, but I'm not so sure he will.
We are supposed to be heading to his parents farm for a cook out and for him to help his dad out around there a little bit. I'm really not sure what is going on with that though, he said we were getting there about 10, I didn't get up until 10:30, and it is now 11:15 and he just started watching a movie. So I am just waiting around for the, "You ready to go?" that I normally get from him!
I guess I shall go get ready so that we can get out of here before it gets to late!
Have a great week!!!!
Posted by Michelle at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pictures of the girls!!!
Top: Feet!!
Middle: A hand holding a foot!!!
Bottom: Baby A profile (ADORABLE)
Top: Baby B profile (PRECIOUS)
Middle: Baby A Face shot (Check out how huge the head really is!!!)
Bottom: Baby B Face Shot (Now compare her head with her sisters! It's tiny)
Just wanted to show off my girls a little...
Had a pretty good day today. First of all, the day started and I had 5 out of 8 kids there. Very weird for that to happen. And the three that were out were the three that can make some of my days Very interesting to put it nicely (not that I have had to many bad days lately, knock on wood)...
Well at lunch another one ended up getting sick. Where you ask? In the water foutain, even though the garbage cans are lined up right next to it. Sorry Mr. William!!!
So that put me at 4 kids for the rest of the day. I have to say it was a quiet relaxing day. Almost too relaxing. I was so tired by 1:30. But we made it through the rest of the day, and I came home and took a nap. Then went to the retirement dinner for the teacher that is retiring at the end of the year. It was good times, good food.
Now I'm back at home and again exhausted. I guess it's a good thing that the end of the year is coming up in 2 weeks, because I have literally been exhausted everyday this week. And I have been going to bed very early every night. But it's a long weekend after tomorrow!!! I'm so excited about that!! Even though today would have been the last day of school with students had it not been for that windstorm and ice storm. I keep saying I'm just not thinking about it, but I keep finding myself saying if only... Again I tell myself, it was nice at the time!
Anyway, have a great night and a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!!!
Posted by Michelle at 7:21 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Another appointment down...
My visit today to the doctor's office went very well. So well, that I didn't even have to see the doc! Just got to have an extra ultrasound. Baby B seems to be catching up to Baby A!!!! Baby A is now 2 lbs 4 oz and Baby B is 2 lbs 2 oz. Putting them in the 57th and 41st percentile respectively which is much better than having one in the 90th and one in the 40th percentile! Baby A still has a HUGE head, but the rest of the body is catching up to her now!!! They were very active during the ultrasound, moving around, playing with their hands and feet!!! Heartbeats are good and strong! So I'm glad to report everything is great. It amazes me how much they have grown in 2 weeks. Especially Baby B, gaining 8 oz in 2 weeks!!! Baby A gained 6 oz! It is a relief that they are both growing well and doing so great!!!!
I will post the pics tomorrow. They are in the car and I honestly don't feel like going out and getting them. Sorry, being lazy, but I get to be, right?!?!?!
CONGRATULATIONS JESS on your new baby boy!!! Aaron is adorable!! Here is a gift for you:
graphics for moms
To my cousin Emily and her husband: I'm so very sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time. I do not have the words to make you feel better at this time, so please just know that I am keeping you all with me in my thoughts and that I love you!
Posted by Michelle at 4:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
My Weekend
Just a quick update of my weekend. Yesterday was very productive. Jen came over early and we got a lot done in the babies room. She completely emptied the closet in there and we got all that stuff put other places. Josh even helped and moved all of our wedding stuff that had been in the room in the tubs to the shed along with the treadmill. All of the school stuff I had managed to bring home and not taken back to school is in a tub ready to go back to work, so our room is looking pretty good. At least it is now open. This week Josh and I will be going through all of our clothes and and getting rid of a lot to get rid of some of our dressers we have. Then we have some more boxes and a coffee table that need to be taken to the shed. After we do that, it will be looking really good in there. Which is good, because after the cleaning yesterday Josh, my mom and me headed to Babies R Us, where we picked out our cribs. It worked out well because my sister had an extra crib that they never used, so we got one to match hers. We also picked out a dresser! THANKS MOM!!!!!!! Then we registered for lots of fun and cute stuff!!! We then went back to my mom and dads house where we watched the Preakness (second horse race of the Triple Crown...) GO RACHEL ALEXANDER the only filly running!!!! After that I came home and took a power nap. I then folded all the clean laundry we had, played on the computer for a while, and then went to sleep for the night.
Today two of my cousins had their high school graduation parties. CONGRATS PAM AND KEVIN!!!! So that is what I have been doing. Hanging out with family and eating lots of food. I also got a nice little tan as today has been a gorgeous day here. Now I am home finishing up the few loads of laundry we have left. I'm getting ready to do my lesson plans for the week. Then I believe I will be heading to bed. I'm very sleepy!!! And my ankles have been swollen all weekend. Woke up Saturday morning and they were swollen. I will talk to doc about this Wednesday.
So that's all, another good weekend. Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!!
And tomorrow my blog friend, Jess, at is going to be giving birth to her second son!!! I'm so excited for her!!!! Good Luck Jess, and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all about him and see the little guy!!!!
Posted by Michelle at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Oh My Gosh!!!!
Myspace Layouts
I just noticed that I am under the 100 day mark until my babies are due!!!!!! How exciting is that!!!!!!! And how quickly the time has passed. People keep telling me now the time will start to drag on! I believe the next 3 weeks will pass by pretty quickly due to so much end of the year stuff. I'm sure though once school is over, time will drag on just a bit slower!!!!!!
Posted by Michelle at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Another blog with lots of random stuff!!!!!
So Friday is finally here. It really wasn't that bad of a week, not as I expected it to be with testing and all that was to be done, but it's always nice to see Friday come no matter what the weeks is like!!!
I did get a lot accomplished this week. I got finished checking all the portfolios this morning before school. I'm so glad they are out of my classroom!!!! And I got the "Classroom Library" done. And that wasn't even supposed to be done until Wednesday!!! How awesome that I actually got something done EARLY!!!!!! I was going to stay and do my lesson plans for next week, but it's so hard to stay on a Friday afternoon. So I just brought my stuff home and will probably do them Sunday night like normal! They shouldn't be too hard though. I mentioned the Invention Convention or science fair that will be happening. I actually thought that it was in two weeks, but come to find out it is NEXT Thursday!!! So we will be working on our class project for that most of the day Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually, I hope I can find a fun, easy project to do with them, because Monday we have our last test in the morning so that time is out. Then Wednesday morning I won't be there!!! Anyone have any suggestions?
This weekend will be a good but busy one it seems. Tomorrow morning Jen is supposed to be coming over (I need to give her a call) after her morning run (She's training for a Marathon in San Diego at the end of this month for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training)to get started cleaning the babies' room. Then I am going out shopping with my momma for some baby stuff!!
Sunday I have two graduation parties to go to. Both are cousins graduating from high school! I can't believe how old they are! Congrats to you both Pam and Kevin!!!!
I got some exciting news from Josh through a text this morning. He is off of work on Sunday and Monday of memorial week!!!! And I'm off too!! That never happens that we get two days off together! When I read it I told him we should take a short road trip somewhere just cause we never have the chance. Then the more I thought about it we could get a whole lot accomplished those two days preparing for babies. We are to discuss it this evening when he gets home!
Ok, so this is totally just something I have been meaning to post about but haven't had a chance! I'm just really proud of it so now is as good of time as any to show you all!!!
Last week was Teacher Appreciation week. In honor of the week, we teachers were spoiled with lots of treats throughout the week. One day all of the administration and office staff made deserts for us. There were SO MANY goodies. Cakes, cookies, brownies, etc... We were given lunch from Mark's Feed Store on Wednesday and Friday there was a BBQ for lunch! So much better than normal school lunches!!! But the best part of the week was Thursday. After school we had our 2nd annual "Cubbie" Awards. This is just a time for teacher's to be recognized for their hard work. We start out having some appetizers. This year we had meatballs, shrimp, eggrolls (too bad I don't like any of that!!!) but there was also cheese and crackers, and chips and other munchies not to mention more deserts!
After we eat and chat for a while and introduce any family members that have joined us (nobody was there this year with me. Josh had to work, and I honestly didn't think about asking anyone else until the day before and decided it was just too late of notice!) our wonderful principal gets up and talks about the year and presents the awards to teachers. Yes, everyone gets an award, but it really is special to be recognized. Last year I got the Over and Above Award, due to always going above and beyond to help my co-workers out!
This year the awards were based on our Character Education traits: Responsibility, Hard-Work, Confidence, Friendship, problem-solving, Health and Fitness (mentally was included in this!!), and many others!!! Each month of the year we have taught and done activities with our class based on these traits. So the set-up of the "Award Show" was that Principal started in August, discussed what things were happening in school during that time, and then end with the awards for that month's trait! It was really fun, and she had some pretty good jokes.
Anyway, I was presented with:
The Friendship Award!!!!
As she announced my name, she discussed how you rarely see me without a smile on my face. I am always willing to go the extra mile to help anyone that asks. She has never heard me, or heard of anyone else say that I was complaining about others or what is to be done. And that she can not name one person that has ever had anything negative to say about me, but only nice and positive stories and comments about me!!! She also mentioned that she really realized how many friendships I had around the school, when I was announcing my pregnancy, and everyone knew before the end of that day and it was the talk of the school for that week and still is for that matter!!!!!!
WOW!!! Not to toot my own horn, and I'm pretty sure there are a couple of people that have comments that are not nice about me, but it just made me feel so good!!! And I still feel really good about it. Sure the other awards are great, but there's something about the "Friendship" award that is special to me.
I guess I will be done rambling on now!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
And to leave you, a picture of my teacher awards from last year and this year!
Posted by Michelle at 1:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
End of the School Year: Exciting, yet exhausting!!!!
Hey out there. I feel as though I have not posted in days, but it's only been 2!! Actually not even cause I posted on Monday! I guess it's because I have been at work til 7 both yesterday and today. With the year winding down, there is so much to do.
First I am going through every students portfolio to make sure they are complete. Every student, Kindergarten through 5th grade. That would be about 500 portfolios to go through and check. You wouldn't think it would take that long, but I also have to go through and check what years they have their portfolios as well. Yes, the teachers had to do this too, but you wouldn't believe the amount I have made changes to. I guess they didn't believe I would really take the time to make sure they did what they were supposed to. I have completed all but 5th grade and special ed. classes the past two days. Hopefully I can get to work early tomorrow so I am not there so late again.
We also have to go through our classroom libraries. Our principal wants us to sort every book we have into genres and then list title, and author for each and every book. And throw out any old books or books that are falling apart. It's a great idea, just very time consuming. I will say that I have gone through my books, discarded the old/falling apart ones, separated into genre and began typing up my list. Hopefully I can get this done by Friday afternoon as well.
We are in the middle of the big testing right now. This will last until next Tuesday. We only test in the morning, and then sort of take it easy the rest of the day. Don't want to stress the kids out to much! My kiddos are doing really well with the change of schedules and routines. I'm very happy about this, and hope that it continues for the rest of testing.
And these are just the major things I'm working on at the moment. Not to mention all of the end of year paper work, report cards, cleaning of the room, etc... that is to come. Not to mention the fact that I may be changing jobs (not schools, but jobs) and that would mean switching classrooms AGAIN!!! We will have to wait on that one though. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
14 days and counting with kids until summer is upon me! 16 days of work until summer officially begins. (These numbers are days of work, doesn't count the weekends or Memorial day which we will be off for.) Doesn't sound too bad, until I think about if we hadn't had the freak wind storm in September and the ice storm in January which caused a week of no school for both,our last day would be next Friday... But it was nice to have the days off at the time, so I am trying not to think about that too much!!
With the end of the year also comes lots of crazy and hectic days for us teachers. First there is a field trip on the 26th, then field day that same week. Then we have invention convention (science fair), Mill Creek Idol (talent show), Celebration Assembly, and I'm sure there will be more fun to be had! I believe by the end of the next three weeks I will be completely and utterly exhausted. I already am!! But I keep telling myself, 3 weeks and I will get to rest and relax all I want to.
As for update about the last post and the babies. I will be going in next Wednesday morning for another ultrasound. Doc says that 2 weeks will show significant growth and how they are doing where as if I came any earlier it may not be enough difference since last Tuesdays U/S. So I guess it is good that I am able to keep myself busy at this time. With so much to do for work, I am not constantly filling my head with bad thoughts or stressing myself to much over it. Although I will admit that I did have a minor breakdown yesterday when I got home. I really needed it, and just getting those concerns off my chest and hearing Josh agree, but also be able to comfort me and put me at a bit of ease, helped a lot. And that is why I love this man with all my heart and soul!!!!!!
So that's about all I know. Sorry to bore you with my schedule!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!!!
Posted by Michelle at 7:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not sure what to think...
So I've got some AWESOME news, and then some not sure what to think news (hence the title of this blog!!!)
First of course I'm sharing the AWESOME news!!! It is a surprise that I didn't get on here and post last night when it happened, as I could not fall asleep for anything last night. I think that has a lot to do with all the naps I took on Saturday and Sunday!!!
So I've been feeling the babies quite a lot here for the past month or so. They are most active during the day while I'm at work, or while I'm sitting at home waiting for Josh to come home. By the time Josh gets home they have apparently worn themselves out as he has not been able to feel them yet. He will rub my stomach and talk to them in hopes of feeling something with no luck.
Last night we had laid down to go to bed. Josh being the type that is so lucky to fall asleep practically as soon as his head hits the pillow, was half asleep, when one of the girls started kicking me. I grabbed his hand, and put it on my stomach. He was like, what's wrong, what? I said just wait a second! And there it was!!! A kick!!!!!! And he felt it!!! It was SO AWESOME and AMAZING. His reaction, his emotions, everything about it!! And it didn't stop there. He started talking to them and she just kept on kicking. Every time she kicked his hand, he would jump and be like that is so awesome!!! It really was!! I have to say I became a bit emotional too!!! I love feeling them move around throughout the day, but something about having Josh feel it too was just even more amazing! I just can not describe how I felt! His reactions and that emotion was just what I needed and I think it was what he needed too!!! So it was really an awesome night despite not being able to fall asleep until I came to the living room and laid on the love seat and watched a little tv...
On to the other news...
While on my potty break before lunch I could hear my phone vibrating from where I had sat my purse down. I didn't recognize the number, but they had left a message. I decided to go eat lunch and then see who it was. When I got to the stage, another teacher said that the office was calling me. I called the office and they said my Doc had just called. The message he left was to call him back but it was not an emergency. I figured that it had something to do with my blood sugar test that I had last Tuesday and the results from that. After I ate my lunch, I went to call back Doc. Of course, they couldn't just transfer me straight to him, they had to call him and have him return my call. Well some how I of course missed his call again even though my phone was in my pocket so that there was no way I would miss it. Heck, I figured if I could hear my phone vibrating from across the restroom I would feel it in my pocket, but nope, I didn't.
So as we go outside after lunch, I returned his call, which was like 10 minutes after he had called me and they said he was gone, but would be back. Great, now I had to wait even longer to find out what was going on...
So I left my phone on my desk the rest of the day even though we are not supposed to have them out, but some things are just too important to miss over and over again. Luckily Doc called back on my planning. Again, I was thinking that it had to do with the blood sugar test, so when he started talking about the ultrasound that I had, things got a little scary. He said he was just surprised by the difference in their sizes. He said that everything does look really healthy on both of them, but we should really get another ultrasound. I think he could hear a little panic in my voice. Because he kept telling me that everything was probably fine, we just needed to check out why one was in the 90th percentile and the other in the 40th. He said that it could just be an error in the readings, and that we don't have to worry about one getting more food than the other due to them being fraternal.
So, he told me I need to come in next week for another ultrasound, because a month is too long to wait. He said that two weeks would show growth and we could see any changes that have taken place since last week.
I of course missed the call from the office to set the appointment up, but will just have to call tomorrow sometime.
I texted Josh before I had talked to Doc and he told me that I needed to let him know as soon as I talked to him. So when I did, he kind of freaked out a little. I totally understand, and so I did my best over text messages to calm him down.
Even though I'm a little freaked out as well. I keep telling myself that it's not like the little one is too small. She's pretty average size at this time. The other one is just really big. I think this is what's helping me to stay calm. But I am glad Doc is having me come in to make sure everything is alright instead of waiting for 3 more weeks to go back.
So I just don't know what to think. It's going to be a pretty long week waiting to get there and make sure my girls are doing alright. But I'm staying postive and I have felt them all day today moving around again so that helps too!
Hmm, I guess that's it. Just needed to get it off my chest! Have a great week everyone!
Posted by Michelle at 2:56 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all of my family and Blog Friends!!!
I hope you had a wonderful day!!!!
I got purple roses from my awesome husband, along magazines and some yummy chocolatey snacks!!!
Have a great week!
Posted by Michelle at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
8 Things
Thanks Antonia for tagging me!! I love these little surveys!!!
8 Things
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. My First Year Wedding Anniversary, one month and 13 days from today!
2. Summerime! I can't wait to be out for the summer!!!
3. Kealie and Jozie to be here to love on and cuddle!!!
4. Going to bed tonight! I am very sleepy!
5. Tomorrow cause Josh is off work and its a chance to get lots of stuff done.
6. My birthday (July 31)
7. Finding out if I get to switch to resource teacher next year
8. Going to Register for cute baby girl stuff!!!
Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Went to the 2nd Annual "Cubbie" Awards (More on that tomorrow)
3. Laughed so hard at my boss I cried
4. Went to Bearno's for dinner with Josh
5. Watched Grey's Anatomy: I LOVE ALEX!!!!!!!!
6. Played Bingo on Facebook!
7. Played Bingo Lottery tickets
8. Went to bed EARLY (11:00)
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Have my baby girls with me right now!
2. Sleep through the night without having to get up and pee!
3. Buy a new couch
4. Be on a beach somewhere. Don't care where, just on a nice beautiful beach
5. Win the lottery!
6. Move into a bigger house
7. Get Josh to stop acting like we have a lot of time before the babies get here
8. Be a Stay At Home Mom
8 Shows I Watch:
1. Amazing Race
2. Big Brother
3. America's Next Top Model
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. 48 Hours
6. NCIS (Forced to watch this one, but it's starting to really grow on me!)
7. Making the Band
8. How I Met Your Mother
And now I will tag Jen and Evelyn, and Jess (even though Antonia already tagged you) to complete this!!!
Posted by Michelle at 7:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cute Baby Stuff
Yesterday was my 6 month check up!!! I got to drink the juice stuff for my blood glucose test. It was fruit punch flavored, really not near as bad as people had made me think it was going to be!!!
Then for the check in with doc... Everything is looking great. My weight is on par, my blood pressure is great and the babies heartbeats were right where they should be as well!!!
Then it was on to the ultrasound. That's one of the benefits of having twins, well besides getting two precious babies at once. But I get an ultrasound every month so they can make sure they are still both growing well. Oh, and let me tell you, my babies are GROWING WONDERFULLY!!!!!!!!!!
One is 1 lb and 14 oz!!!!!! She is huge! In the 90th percentile at this time! I don't think a twin is often seen in the 90th percentile. The other is 1 lb 9 oz. She is in the 40th percentile. The US tech said that the difference is nothing to worry about, and that they look really really good. It was so fun to watch them moving around yesterday. And so good to know they are growing so well.
Here are the ultrasound pics from yesterday:
The top is Baby B, who is 1 lb 9 oz. The bottom is our big girl!!! 1 lb 14 oz.
These are both of them together. No the top picture is not the head and belly of one!!! It is the profile of one and the top of the head of the other! How Sweet!!! The bottom is (I think) the head of one and legs of another.
So another AWESOME appointment!!!
Just thought I would share some of the awesome, cute gifts we have received so far! Just because they are so fun and, again I say, CUTE!!!!!
The first outfits the girls ever had!! Jen brought these back from their trip to Gatlinburg over Spring Break!!
These and the following are presents from my Mom!! She got the girls Easter gifts! How awesome is my MOM!!!!!!
I love these blankets. They are too sweet! They are my favorite!!
Some more outfits and how PRECIOUS are the little barrettes!!!
Ok, so I bought these, but I couldn't resist when I saw them. Their daddy is going to spoil them so bad, they won't be able to do anything but LOVE him, just like their mommy does!!
And finally I leave you with a comparison of my 6 month belly and 5 month belly. Do you think I've gotten any bigger in the last month?
Then:5 months pregnant
Now: 6 months pregnant
Well I think this month's picture is a little closer up to my belly. But I think you can tell there is a difference.
Anyway, Have a wonderful rest of the week and a great weekend if I don't check in before then!!!!!
Posted by Michelle at 6:37 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Derby Day in Pictures (mostly!!!)
The Annual Derby Day Kickball Game
Mr. T ready to kick!!
I don't think I've seen Josh run, or move for that matter, like this in 6 years!!!
My Dad making a run for first
Hanging out after the big game
My cousins discussing who knows what!!!
Family together in one place is always a great way to spend the day!!!
One of the many Drawings for horses in the Derby
My mom playing Dutch Shuffleboard, another annual tournament held on Derby Day
Daddy's Turn
I made it to the third round of the tournament this year.. But was beat by the Champion, my cousin-in-law Kevin
Josh got ahold of my camera, and what did he take pictures of... Himself!!!
A nice profile pic of Joshua
Oh and he decides to take a picture of me stuffing my face with a cookie. It was a good cookie though!!!
The Met Life Blimp even made it into town for the Derby!
One of my famous television shots of the Kentucky Derby... Pretty blurry but you can tell those are horses running, right???
Notice how my name is spelled second from the bottom... Hey uncle Mark, I know I'm only 29, but I think that's long enough to know my name has two l's in it!!! LOL
My dad bought all his grandkids a horse in one of the $5 pots!! Kealie and Jozie won!!! Thanks dad or should I say Thanks Papaw!!!!!!!
Derby Day is one of the best days of the year. It is the one day out of the year that the entire family gets together. In some cases it's the only day out of the year that I see some of my cousins. Plus the food is great and the tournaments and betting make it all the better! It really is a great day with everyone in high hopes and high spirits!!! Hope you enjoyed my summary!
I'll be back tomorrow or Wednesday with how my 6 month check up goes tomorrow morning!!! Have a great night!!!
Posted by Michelle at 2:13 PM 4 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
SAS: 1 Artist... 1 Song... 14 Questions...
I copied this little survey thing from Facebook, and completed it with my favorite song ever!!! SHOOP!!!!! (Who doesn't love this song????) I also found pictures for the questions that I could relate pics for!!
Anyway, it's fun to do and I hope everyone completes it and shares their's with me!!
Using only one song from ONE artist, cleverly answer these questions. Pass it on to 10 people and include me. Try not to repeat a song lyric.
Pick your artist: Salt n Pepa
Are you male or female: Girls,
Describe yourself: Bright as the sun, I wanna have some fun
How do you feel about yourself: chillin', chillin', mindin' my business
Describe where you currently live: Here I go, here I go, here I go again
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: take a ride in my coupe
Your best friend is: A ho? No
Your favorite color is: Chocolate chip, honey dip, can I get a scoop?
You know that: Straight up, wait up, hold up, Mr. Lover
Like Prince said you're a sexy mutha-
What’s the weather like: Make you get hot, make you work up a sweat
If your life was a tv show what would it be called: Felt it in my hips so I dipped back to my bag of tricks
What is life to you: Yo, Salt, I looked around, and I couldn't believe this
What is the best advice you have to give: Shoop shoop a-doobie like Scoobie Doobie Doo
Your favorite food: Can I get some fries with that shake-shake boobie?
And by the way,
Posted by Michelle at 6:35 AM 2 comments