This is my baby as of earlier this week.
So far everything is going really well:
No morning sickness yet (knocking on wood)
No strange food cravings. People keep telling me how funny it's going to be when I start actually getting cravings because I am so picky and don't eat a lot of variety of things. I use no condiments (hate ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise) They just do not look appetizing to me. And I enjoy my food plain so why should I add something that I just don't think would taste good. About the only thing I add to food is salt and hot sauce or crushed peppers. And like I said I don't eat a lot of variety of stuff. I could live off of Turkey sandwiches, pizza, spaghetti, and Mexican food. I wouldn't need anything else. So when the day comes that I crave a bacon cheeseburger with pickles, it will be very interesting. I wonder if I will crave things like that since I am so picky, I guess I will find out soon enough.">

graphics for moms

graphics for moms
Things that I am experiencing:
Headaches: I've always suffered from headaches, and Excedrin migraine will do the trick in minutes for me, but now I am not able to take them. Not only do they contain aspirin but are also loaded with caffeine. So far the Tylenol has worked well enough to get me through the day. On Wednesday I had a horrible headache from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I got through the day at work, but as soon as I came home I went to bed for about an hour or so. When I woke up it seemed to be better, but that lasted for about 30 minutes, so I went back to bed, and on Thursday I was fine. If anyone has any suggestions about anything else that will help with the headaches I would love to hear them!!!
Exhaustion: On Tuesday, whether it was the headache or not, I felt like I could have fallen asleep at my desk at work by 12 noon. I was so tired. It felt like I had slept for a total of an hour the night before. Then again on Friday I was just tired all day long. When I got home at 5:30, Josh asked what I wanted for dinner, and I said sleep. So I went to take a short nap at 6 and slept until 8!!! I got up still feeling very tired, but ate dinner and watched Friday Night Lights. Then I went back to bed at 10:30 and didn't wake up at all until 9 this morning. I vaguely remember Josh telling me bye this morning when he left for work. I was talking to my dad this morning and he said good for you.. That's what you are supposed to do!
That's really it so far. Nothing too bad.
It's a long weekend, so that excites me very much! Should be a good one. I'm going to clean a little bit today, mainly just laundry and dishes and picking up junk around the house. Then UofL plays #1 Pittsburgh tonight so that will be a good one. Then tomorrow Josh is off work. He just has to go in to open the store and then we are going to go have lunch at Skyline Chili where a great friend works. Then we are going to go car shopping once again. I hope it goes well, I really, really need a car of my own. Then Pittsburgh Steelers play Baltimore for their shot at the superbowl!! And like I said no school Monday so it will be a day of relaxation!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! And if by chance I don't post again before then, really take time to enjoy Tuesday's inauguration. It's a great day for our Country!! We are going to watch the swearing in at school, and all week lessons are based on the history being made!! I am truly happy and excited where the United States is headed and believe that everyone should be proud of what we have done and how far we have come!!! I see good things ahead in the future!
I don't think you are going to crave anything weird. My guess is you will probably just get uncontrollable urges for things you already like. Like you Must Have a Taco Bell burrito at 9 am! My only "craving" wasn't really craving. I just HAD to have dessert after lunch and dinner! If you remember, I was working at the mall when I was pregnant, so I had a Chick-fil-a sandwich, large fries and a brownie for lunch everyday. And I was so picky about which brownie I wanted! I would tell the workers, "No, not that one, the one on the bottom!"
Also, I couldn't eat eggs when I was pregnant and I love eggs. It would just make me sick to taste them! Can't wait to see what happens! It would be hilarious if you started eating shrimp or onion rings or something like that! Love You!
Just came across your blog this morning. Congrats on your first pregnancy! I am currently pregnant with my second child. Do you just love that 3d pregnancy website? I use that as well! I am 22 weeks right now. I don't think you'll crave those weird things either. I always craved things that I normally ate just at odd times during the day/night. Take care and best of luck!
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