So I feel like I have not posted FOREVER, even though it's only been a couple of days. On Monday night it was expected to snow throughout the night leaving several inches of snow. Having had a bad headache, I went to bed at 9:00 Monday night, so I woke up at like 3am, wide awake. Knowing it was supposed to snow, I looked outside, and there was a bit of a covering, but when I turned on the tv, our county was still open for Tuesday. Being wide awake, I watched tv for about an hour, and then forced myself to go back to bed as I would have to be at work the next morning. I did fall back to sleep until about 5:30, and our schools had been cancelled, so no work for me!!! Josh still had to go to work, so he took the Jeep because there was no way I was going out in that stuff. Here are some pictures of Tuesday:
Tuesday morning when we woke up
Later in the afternoon
Zander playing in the snow later on in the afternoon. It was funny to watch because it had been icing and sleeting during the day, so the snow was hard on top. Zander would take a few steps and then sink down into the snow!!!

Sometime late evening, early night, the ice storm began, and by 7:30 school was cancelled again for Wednesday, again no work for me!! Total number of snow days this school year so far: 7! Compared to 1 in my 4 previous years of teaching!!! The first five "snow days" were not really snow days, but "wind days" from the wind storm we experienced back in September which was remnants of Hurricane Ike. Josh got some awesome pictures of the ice:

This is what I did most of the day Tuesday on my day off:

It's pretty cute but I really wish I would have saved it for later this week, because we lost cable sometime Tuesday evening. I finished my picture(It's paint by number, I'm so not that talented when it comes to art!!!) around 2 in the morning. As I laid down in my bed, there was a horrible noise. It honestly sounded as if all of the ice on our roof had fallen off into the backyard. I got up to check it out, and didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the backyard, but as I was checking it out, I again heard the noise, this time coming from out front. I went out front and the noises began, and it seemed it did not stop. Limbs and trees behind the houses across the street from us were crackling and breaking off like crazy. Not only that but it looked as though we were having a lightning storm with so many power lines going down, with the occasional very loud boom from transformers blowing up. It was amazing to me. I was just standing on my porch wondering how neighbors were able to sleep through this. I tried to get Josh up, but all he did was tell me he could hear from the bedroom and turned over and began snoring once again!!! I have this video I want to share. I've tried several times to get this to load but it will not. So when I figure out how to load it I will!
I finally went to bed, but have no idea what time it was as I was just in awe and amazed at what I was seeing and hearing. Wednesday morning, as Josh got up to get ready for work, I was in between sleep and awake, when I heard the crackling sound, as I layed there, I thought, that sounds really, really close. As I realized the noise was very close, and that a branch was getting ready to fall on the roof right over me, I jumped out of bed, and have never moved so quickly in my life!! Josh was just laughing as I ran into the hallway, at how fast I was moving!!! Luckily the limb of the tree in our next door neighbors yard did not hit our house, it didn't even really come that close to the house, even though it sounded as it was!!!

So we were lucky as many in our city and state and states surrounding us are without power including my parents and Jen, my sister. We only lost our cable. And we have no damage to the house or cars, unlike some of our neighbors:

Check out this power line or cable line, not sure which one it is... Look how low to the ground it was. Apparently their are power lines down like this all over the place, making it very dangerous to even be out of the house at all

After the ice subsided Wednesday morning, the snow began once again. I didn't get any pictures of the snow coming down, as I fell asleep on the couch after Josh left for work and didn't wake up until noon. I opened the front door to find this:

A comparison from Tuesday to Wednesday: Tuesday:


Some other pretty cool pictures I got yesterday: The ice on every thing is amazing!!

Our bushes in front of the house did not fare to well, but one was dead already and the other dieing, so we were already replacing them anyway

Compare this picture on Wednesday to the picture above from Tuesday and compare how much the ice made the trees bend over!!!

So that's how this week has been to me. The cable came back on this afternoon around 4! I haven't done much at all except sleep!!! I'm getting spoiled with the mid-day naps, Don't know how I will do on Monday when it's back to work and no option to take a nap!!! So we are off until Monday. Too many schools in the county are without electricity. Plus with all the downed and low power lines it would be to dangerous to have kids waiting at bus stops. So that is a total of 9 days off this year. We will have to make 7 of those up as the we have made 2 of the days up already. We will be in school at the beginning of June! While it's nice to have the time off now; when June hits I will be wishing that we were at home on vacation! It's stayed in the mid to upper 20's here since the storm. Expecting light snow tomorrow but the weather men are saying nothing that should accumlate. It's supposed to get up to the low to mid-40's by Sunday so that will begin the thawing out process. Sorry this post is so lengthy!! I hopeyou enjoy some of the pictures that I shared with you!!!
the ice is pretty. be careful out in it though!
I just found your blog through Everything Changes and see that we both live in the same city. And, I am in education as well!
Just thought what a coincidence! Anyway, I hope you all are safe with this crazy weather here. Maybe we will be back to school Monday?!
oh wow I just love the pictures of the ice and snow! The ones with the ice really are beautiful! =) I'm glad you get to enjoy your time off of work lol.
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